Home renovation bonus rebates

High-efficiency upgrades such as insulation, a heat pump and windows and doors can help you reduce your ongoing energy costs and improve the comfort of your home.

And when you make two or more eligible upgrades, you could get a bonus rebate. Before beginning work, make sure you qualify for this rebate by reviewing the program rebate requirements and the terms and conditions below.


  1. The home must have:
    • a residential FortisBC gas account
    • a residential FortisBC or municipal electricity account of Grand Forks, Penticton, Summerland or Nelson Hydro
  2. If the registered owner of the property where upgrades were made is not the utility account holder (e.g. landlord/tenant) the owner must have the account holder complete the Utility Account Holder Consent form.
  3. The home must be a year-round primary residence at least 12 months old and be either a single-family detached, duplex, triplex, row home, townhouse or mobile home on a permanent foundation. New construction, additions and garage upgrades are not eligible.
  4. Applications must be submitted within six months of the paid invoice date.
  5. Rebates cannot exceed the paid cost on the invoice.
  6. Only one rebate per home for a primary space heating system and a water heater is allowed.

View full program rebate eligibility requirements.

Review the terms and conditions

Rebate details

Choose two or more eligible upgrades from the list below to be eligible for the two-upgrade bonus rebate of $300. If you hire a program-qualified energy advisor to perform an pre- and post-upgrade EnerGuide home evaluation and make three or more upgrades you could be eligible for up to $2,000 in rebates. Note: only one bonus is available per home; either the two-upgrade bonus or the home energy improvement bonus.

*EnerGuide is an official mark of Natural Resources Canada.

Choose eligible upgrades

See individual rebate pages for full details and requirements for each upgrade:

Two-upgrade bonus$300
  • No home evaluation required.
  • Make two bonus-eligible upgrades from the list above, with the noted restrictions. Each appliance type can only count toward the bonus once.
  • Bonus eligible upgrades must be completed within 18 months of each other.
  • Applications must to be submitted within 6 months of the invoice date for the individual upgrades.
Home energy improvement bonus$20 per 1% improvement in your home’s EnerGuide rating, minimum $750 up to $2,000
  • Have a program-qualified energy advisor perform a pre and post-upgrade EnerGuide home evaluation.1
  • Install three or more bonus-eligible upgrades from the list above, with the noted restrictions. Each appliance type* can only count toward the bonus once.

    *excludes combination systems

  • Receive $20 per 1% improvement in your home’s EnerGuide rating from the pre-upgrade evaluation (ex. 40% improvement x $20 = $800) for a minimum rebate of $750 up to $2,000.
  • The home evaluation rebate application and supporting documentation must be submitted within six months of the date of the evaluation.
  • The home energy improvement bonus cannot be combined with the two-upgrade bonus.
  • Submit a copy of both the pre-upgrade EnerGuide Homeowner Information Sheet and post-upgrade EnerGuide Homeowner Information Sheet.

How to apply

  1. Apply online for individual upgrades and bonuses within six months of completing your installations with the following information:
    • your FortisBC gas and/or electricity account number, or municipal electricity account number from Grand Forks, Penticton, Summerland or Nelson Hydro
    • your email
    • scanned copies of all paid invoices showing details of all work performed, including:
      • purchase date
      • make
      • model
      • installaton permit numbers (if applicable)
    • scanned copies of the pre-upgrade EnerGuide Homeowner Information Sheet and post-upgrade EnerGuide Homeowner
      Information Sheet
    • scanned copies of your EnerGuide evaluation invoice(s)

      See the pre and post EnerGuide evaluation sample invoice and supplementary documentation requirements for more details on what to include with your rebate application:
  2. If you’re not the utility account holder (e.g. property is a rental), have the account holder complete the consent form.
  3. Applications may take up to 90 days to process.

Note: the rebate application link below takes you to Account login. Once you've registered and/or logged in you can start your rebate application. Hint: we recommend using Google Chrome® for the best experience.

Start your rebate application

For more tips on using the online rebate application, read our how-to guide.

Third-party offers and services


For advice on options and incentives for energy-efficiency upgrades for homes, contact the CleanBC Energy Coach. Energy Coaches are trained energy-efficiency specialists who provide building-science based information about the options and opportunities to improve the energy efficiency of your home or building. Note: FortisBC is not responsible for any advice provided by the energy coach.

Additional resources

Stay safe. Test your home for radon.

Radon is a naturally occurring, odourless gas in the soil that can enter your home through the foundation or plumbing. Exposure to radon is the leading cause of lung cancer among non-smokers. The only way to know if your home has a radon problem is to test. Learn more about the health risks of radon and home testing and mitigation.

Best practice guide for air sealing and insulation retrofits

Insulation must be installed in accordance with the BC Housing’s Best Practice Guide for Air Sealing and Insulation Retrofits.

We’re here to help

If you have questions, contact us online or call us at:

Gas customers - 1-855-909-2329
Electricity customers - 1-855-909-2331

This program is funded in part, by the Province of British Columbia and the Government of Canada.

*Eligible equipment must be installed and all invoices must be dated on or before December 31, 2023

Rebate bundle: Home renovations

Window and door rebates

Heat pump rebate

Heat pump water heater rebate

Home renovation bonus rebates

Insulation rebates

Dual fuel heating system rebate: electric heat pump combined with gas furnace

Install two or more eligible energy-efficiency upgrades and you could qualify for home renovation bonus rebates from $300 to $2,000.