Osprey Nest Management Program

Sustaining, enhancing and protecting the environment around our natural gas and electricity infrastructure is a priority for us. Our Osprey Nest Management Program is part of our overall environmental protection plans – where we have environmental specialists working to protect wildlife habitat, local fish, native plants, invasive weeds and other environmental concerns.

About our program

Ospreys breed near fresh or salt water and build bulky stick nests in trees, on poles, platforms and other structures, including utility poles.

When ospreys build nests on live power poles, this causes problems for the birds, as well as our customers and equipment. Debris from a nest can fall on power lines, cause power outages, or fires that can injure or kill ospreys. Such fires can also endanger people and damage our equipment.

The Osprey Nest Management Program prevents this from happening by ensuring the following:

  • When we see an osprey trying to build a nest on one of our utility poles, we place a construction cone on top of the pole to discourage the bird’s efforts.
  • If an osprey manages to build a nest on a live power pole, we safely remove the nest and move it to an alternate pole with a suitable nesting platform. To date, we’ve installed more than 20 nesting platform poles throughout our service area.

Watch our nesting Osprey

Live from Kelowna, this is bird watching at its best. Tune in to our Osprey Cam every spring to see what they’re up to.