Applying for a right of way permit

Your safety and the integrity of our high-pressure pipeline system is our top priority. Buried pipelines within rights of way are indicated by distinctive marker posts and signs, often displaying a Click or Call before you dig symbol.

How to apply

Keep in mind, you’ll need to get permission before drilling, digging or excavation of any kind within a right of way or within 30 metres of a high pressure pipeline. You’ll also need to apply if you plan other activities, such as placing a structure or planting vegetation within a right of way.

Note: we will be updating our permitting process in October 2024 to improve wait times for simple applications.

    1. Get a BC 1 Call reference number by clicking BC 1 Call or calling 1-800-474-6886. You will need this any time you are planning on breaking ground. 
      • Your BC 1 Call ticket is not your permit. You must wait until a FortisBC representative contacts you to proceed with the work. You are responsible to renew your BC 1 Call ticket before it expires.
    2. Complete the online permit application. if you are working within 10 meters of a high-pressure pipeline, crossing the high-pressure pipeline, or within a FortisBC statutory right of way.

      Note: This form works best with a Chrome or Firefox browser. If you experience a delay while the form loads, please wait and do not refresh the page.
      • Permit process timing: the current wait time for reviewing and issuing permits is a minimum of four to six months. Permits are processed on a first-come, first-served basis, so please plan your work accordingly.

        A few factors will affect the timing of the permit process such as complexity and number of permit applications received. If you have not heard from us after eight weeks, please email [email protected] or call us at 1-877-599-0996 for a status update.
    3. Attach a construction drawing or sketch of the plan and profile views to your online application:
      • Plan view: drawn to scale, show the proposed changes and supply sufficient geographical references such as legal property lines and roads. Include all details pertinent to the proposal, such as tie-in dimensions from a known point along the natural gas pipeline (road allowance or property line) to a point where the crossing facility intersects the pipeline.

        Note: drawings may require a legal survey of the pipeline to show the proposed work in relation to the pipeline and/or right of way.
      • Profile view (cross-section):drawn to scale, show a profile along the natural gas pipeline and/or across the pipeline. Indicate depth of cover over the pipeline and the clearance between the pipeline and your facility.
    4. Have a site inspection. FortisBC will endeavor to expedite the review of all permit applications to determine if a pre-site inspection, or additional information, is required from the applicant.
      • Fee structure for site inspection: FortisBC will cover all costs up to two days of pipeline site inspection services. However, applicant/permit holders will be responsible for all overtime costs and any and all additional week(s) of pipeline inspection services. See a fee structure table below.
    5. Keep a copy of the approved permit and associated plans at the work site at all times. This is a requirement of the pipeline and/or right of way works permit.

    Start your application

More about fee structure for site inspection

Fees are charged for work that’s carried out in proximity to our high-pressure pipelines for any additional time past the first two days of site inspection services that FortisBC will cover.

DurationCost of pipeline site inspection charged to:
Two days of regular time (up to approximately $2,5001) FortisBC
Over and above two days of regular time ($2,500 or more)Permit Holder
All overtimePermit Holder

1 As of October 2022, and subject to change.

We encourage you to consider these fees when providing costs estimates for current and future projects that involve construction work in proximity to our high-pressure gas lines. In the interest of safety, we appreciate your cooperation.

Why is it important to get a right of way permit?

Safety is our first priority, and so is the integrity of our pipeline system. We inspect our rights of way regularly and if we find unauthorized activities or encroachments, we’re required to notify and forward a report to WorkSafeBC and the BC Energy Regulator. Depending on the ruling of these regulatory agencies, contraventions to the Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Regulations and/or Oil and Gas Activities Act of BC may result in fines.

We’re here to help

If you have questions about what’s permitted in a right of way or how to apply for a permit, email us at [email protected] or call 1-877-599-0996.