Rebate programs for community buildings

Rebate programs1 and support are available for Indigenous communities to improve the energy efficiency of buildings such as administration offices, health and recreation centres, friendship centres, schools, daycares and multi-unit residential buildings that provide housing for community members. Rebates are available for upgrading existing buildings as well as new construction projects.

This table summarizes rebate programs available to Indigenous communities for upgrading the energy efficiency of existing buildings. For details, including terms and conditions, visit the rebate program pages linked below.

Commercial energy assessmentno cost
  • A free walkthrough energy assessment with a FortisBC consultant to identify low- and no-cost energy conservation measures and potential energy-efficiency upgrades you can make. 

This table summarizes rebate programs available for building high-performance new buildings in Indigenous communities. For details, including terms and conditions, visit the rebate program pages linked below.

Program Rebate Description
Commercial performance new construction up to $500,000
  • Please note final deadlines to apply high-efficiency gas boilers.
  • This program supports the design and construction of high-performance new buildings, including mixed-use and multi-unit residential buildings, while letting you decide how to achieve the energy-efficiency goals of your project.

This table summarizes rebate programs available to Indigenous communities in FortisBC’s electricity service area for upgrading to high-efficiency lighting, electric appliances and heat pumps in community buildings and multi-unit residential housing. For details, including terms and conditions, visit the rebate program pages linked below.

Commercial lightingup to $200 per unit
  • for high-efficiency LED lighting, signage and controls installed in common areas
Electric heat pump water heaters$1,000 per unit
  • for ENERGY STAR® certified heat pump water heaters
Electric air source heat pumps up to $600 per ton
  • for cold climate, variable terminal and packaged terminal heat pumps
Foodservice and laundry equipmentup to $6,600 per unit
  • for eligible ENERGY STAR commercial cooking equipment, dishwashers, clothes washers and ventilation systems installed in a community kitchen and/or laundry facility
Refrigeration equipmentup to $1,450 per unit
  • For eligible ENERGY STAR commercial refrigerators, freezers, display cases, motor systems, controls and ice machines.

Let’s get in touch

If you have questions about services, programs and rebates for Indigenous communities, email us or call 1-866-884-8833 and select option 4.



1Terms and conditions apply, which can be found on webpages for each program.