Electricity rates

On January 1, 2025, FortisBC's electricity rates increased by 5.65 per cent.

Residential rates

Bimonthly residential service:

  • Customer charge of $47.84 based on a 60 day billing period.
  • Electricity use is billed at 14.960¢ per kilowatt hour (kWh).

Commercial rates

Small commercial service:

This rate is for non-residential customers whose electrical demand is generally not more than 40 kilowatts (kW) and can be supplied through one meter.

  • Customer charge of $55.84 for a 60 day billing period.
  • Electricity use is billed at 12.788¢ per kWh.

Commercial service:

This rate is for non-residential customers whose electrical demand is generally greater than 40 kW but less than 500 kW and can be supplied through one meter.

  • Customer charge of $69.06 based on a 30 day billing period.
  • Demand charge of $14.53 per kW of electrical demand above 40 kW.
  • Electricity use is billed at 8.827¢ per kWh.

The majority of FortisBC’s customers are classified under the rate listings above. However, FortisBC has a number of other rate classifications. If you would like to read a complete listing of all FortisBC rates and terms and conditions for service, please review FortisBC's Electric Tariff.

The above rates are subject to a 1.5 per cent late payment charge.