New life for century-old power plant
A peek into how we’re bringing the 100-year old Upper Bonnington Generation Plant to modern day standards.
July 25, 2018
6 easy hacks to save money when the heat spikes
Heat waves can spike electricity use, and lead to higher than expected bills. Here are some easy ways to avoid it.
July 20, 2018
UPS Canada fuels their fleet with compressed natural gas
Together with FortisBC, the world’s largest package delivery company, UPS Canada, is launching compressed natural gas fuelling station and vehicles in Vancouver BC.
July 12, 2018
Partnering on a project with a bright future
For National Indigenous Peoples Day 2018, we are highlighting just a few of the ways in which FortisBC celebrates our relationships with Indigenous communities in BC.
June 21, 2018
Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day every day of the year
For National Indigenous Peoples Day 2018, we are highlighting just a few of the ways in which FortisBC celebrates our relationships with Indigenous communities in BC.
June 19, 2018
Summer DIY renovation in the works? Make energy efficiency part of your plans
Planning a reno-cation this summer? Remember to make your renovations energy efficient too.
June 6, 2018
Grand Forks Search & Rescue uses new gear during emergency flood response
FortisBC provided funding to the Grand Forks Search and Rescue organization for two full sets of specialized personal protective equipment, used during the recent flooding in the community.
May 31, 2018
Construction begins on FortisBC’s latest gas line upgrade project in Metro Vancouver
Vancouver to Coquitlam gas line project will improve the reliability of our natural gas system for current and future customers.
May 29, 2018
New life for century-old power plant
A peek into how we’re bringing the 100-year old Upper Bonnington Generation Plant to modern day standards.
July 25, 2018
6 easy hacks to save money when the heat spikes
Heat waves can spike electricity use, and lead to higher than expected bills. Here are some easy ways to avoid it.
July 20, 2018
UPS Canada fuels their fleet with compressed natural gas
Together with FortisBC, the world’s largest package delivery company, UPS Canada, is launching compressed natural gas fuelling station and vehicles in Vancouver BC.
July 12, 2018
Partnering on a project with a bright future
For National Indigenous Peoples Day 2018, we are highlighting just a few of the ways in which FortisBC celebrates our relationships with Indigenous communities in BC.
June 21, 2018
Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day every day of the year
For National Indigenous Peoples Day 2018, we are highlighting just a few of the ways in which FortisBC celebrates our relationships with Indigenous communities in BC.
June 19, 2018
Summer DIY renovation in the works? Make energy efficiency part of your plans
Planning a reno-cation this summer? Remember to make your renovations energy efficient too.
June 6, 2018
Grand Forks Search & Rescue uses new gear during emergency flood response
FortisBC provided funding to the Grand Forks Search and Rescue organization for two full sets of specialized personal protective equipment, used during the recent flooding in the community.
May 31, 2018
Construction begins on FortisBC’s latest gas line upgrade project in Metro Vancouver
Vancouver to Coquitlam gas line project will improve the reliability of our natural gas system for current and future customers.
May 29, 2018